PPE are defined as any device or means intended to be worn or held by one person to protect itself against one or several risks liable to threaten its safety or its security.
CPE: Collective protective equipment.
Collective protective equipment for preventing electrical hazards contains all the products that close off the hazard by:
- Distance (marking, signs),
- Obstacles (covers, screen, barrier),
- Insulation (insulating blankets, insulating caps, etc.).

The priority is the installation of collective protective equipment. When this is not possible, the use of a device to an item of personal protective equipment against falls from a height is required, whether this is for the purposes of retaining, support, saving, or protecting against falls from a height.
Removal of the minimum height of 9'8: After a risk evaluation, protective equipment is required as soon as there is a risk of a falling.
- The use of access and positioning techniques by means of ropes must comply with the following: a working rope, a safety rope fitted with a fall arrestor system, with two separate anchoring points. Workers must be provided with suitable fall arrestor harnesses connected to both ropes. Safe descent/mounting systems with a self-locking system and a mobile fall prevention system must be provided.
- The work must be programmed and supervised so that assistance can be given immediately to the worker in the event of an emergency.
- The workers must receive suitable and specific training in the operations considered and in the rescue procedures.